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Does Dr. Michael Morbius WANT To Be Saved?! in The Amazing Spider-Man: Blood Hunt #2

The skies have gone dark, the sun hiding its face from the carnage to come. The children of the night, the vampires, have risen from the dark and hidden places of the world as one to drown the Marvel Universe in blood.

After months of building the Blood Hunt begins as the Marvel Universe runs red…

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The Amazing Spider-Man: Blood Hunt #2

Spider-Man and the Lizard need to save Morbius the Living Vampire if the heroes of the Marvel Universe stand a chance at stopping the vampire virulence!

But does Dr. Michael Morbius WANT to be saved?!

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Spider-Man and The Lizard race to the rescue but Dr. Michael Morbius WANT to be saved?! in The Amazing Spider-Man: Blood Hunt #2 on shelves & digital platforms on Wednesday, June 12, 2024 from  Marvel Comics

Does Dr. Michael Morbius WANT To Be Saved?! in The Amazing Spider-Man: Blood Hunt #2
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