A leaked scan of the latest issue of V-Jump magazine shows the latest event for the long-running Dragon Ball Heroes Trading Card Arcade Game. The event is headlined with an eventual showdown between Super Saiyan Blue Goku from Dragon Ball Super, and Super Saiyan 4 Goku: Xeno from the Dragon Ball Heroes game. To commemorate this event, a special anime feature of Dragon Ball Heroes is to be screened at Japan’s Aeon Lake Town Shopping Mall on July 1st.
Dragon Ball Heroes is an arcade game that lets players battle by summoning various characters of the Dragon Ball franchise, using the game’s trading cards that are sold separately. The game debuted in Japan on November 11, 2010, and continues to this day with the sequel Super Dragon Ball Heroes via its Event Missions. The most recent event has Fu, a character from the Dragon Ball Xenoverse games, sends various characters across the franchise trapped into a prison as part of an experiment, where the only means of escape is by collecting the Dragon Balls possessed by some of the prisoners.
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