Marvel unveiled its plans for the first major crossover between its superhero universe and the reacquired Aliens franchise with Aliens vs. Avengers. The series, which is set to launch this July around the same time as the new Alien: Romulus film, is a four issue limited series from writer Jonathan Hickman and artist Esad Ribi?. The story will follow older, more jaded versions of earth’s mightiest heroes as they battle a set of xenomorphs that find their way to Earth.
In an article with Entertainment Weekly, Hickman spoke about the excitement of the series, stating:
“Probably one of the coolest things about the project is how we’ve found really fun ways to ‘Avengerize’ Aliens and ‘alien-up’ Avengers. I think fans will be surprised at how elegantly some of those things fit together. It really turned out to be a chocolate-and-peanut-butter situation.”
The series is set to offer an epic approach to storytelling, and will include the opportunity to bring Alien lore-elements to the Marvel universe, including the origins of the Engineers. Alongside the interior art, Ribi? also illustrated the covers for the series.
Art and Cover by ESAD RIBIC?
On Sale 7/24