The Avengers reassembled under the direction of Captain Marvel to ensure the Earth stays protected and now they’re facing their second massive threat. After battling the Ashen Combine, a collection of cosmic, eldritch villains including the Impossible City which is now working with the team. As soon as the last fight ended, a new threat appeared in the form of the Twilight Court, a set of Arthurian themed cosmic villains introduced in a previous Timeless one-shot.
Comic Watch Review: The Avengers #8: The King’s Court
Lucas Werneck Stormbreakers Variant:
Pete Woods Wolverine Wolverine Wolverine Variant:
1:25 Paco Medina Variant:
The Avengers #9
The Avengers battle the Twilight Court…for the sake of Kang the Conqueror? The Twilight Court wishes to bring Kang to justice, but the Avengers still have need of the comatose conqueror. Which side can claim to truly be just?
Creative Team
Writer: Jed MacKay
Artist: Francisco Mortarino
Colorist: Federico Blee
Letterer: VC’s Cory Petit
Cover Artist: Stuart Immonen
Variant Cover Artists: Lucas Werneck & Alejandro Sánchez, Paco Medina & Jesus Aburtov, Pete Woods
Editor: Tom Brevoort
Format: Ongoing
Cover Price/Page Count: $3.99/28 pages
The Avengers #9 will be on shelves and digital platforms Wednesday, January 8 from Marvel.