The last few years in Gotham have been rougher than usual for its pantheon of protectors. Batman has traversed the multiverse, battled a rogue of his own making, and had some of his deepest nightmares made reality. Now, as the dust has settled and some calm has reached Gotham, the fear and paranoia start to creep into the Dark Knight’s mind. At the center of Gotham’s new peace is Catwoman, who returned to the streets after murdering a man and spending time in prison. The two will ignite a conflict that sets the Batfamily ablaze, and a once united front will be torn asunder in the name of Gotham.
Comic Watch Reviews:
Prelude to Gotham War:
Batman #136: Return of the Bat
Knight Terrors – Batman #2 – Follow That Nightmare
Knight Terrors: Catwoman #2 – CommunUnion of the Snake
Joe Quesada Card Stock Variant:
1:100 Joe Quesada Card Stock Variant:
Kael Ngu Card Stock Variant:
1:50 Kael Ngu Card Stock Variant:
Blank Card Stock Variant:
Jonboy Meyers Foil Variant:
Otto Schmidt Card Stock Variant:
Batman/Catwoman: The Gotham War – Battle Lines #1
THE BAT/CAT WAR STARTS HERE! Crime is down in Gotham City… Could that be a bad thing? A coordinated effort in Gotham has led to a reduction in violent crime, but at what cost? Villains scatter as their lives begin to crumble under a new regime. And as Batman recovers from his epic battle through the Multiverse and the horrors of Knight Terrors, one name runs through his mind. One name at the heart of this new, safer Gotham…Catwoman. A conflict that’s been brewing for well over a year finally hits the streets, and it will fracture the Bat-Family as war erupts! From bestselling writers Chip Zdarsky and Tini Howard and artists Mike Hawthorne and Adriano Di Benedetto comes the opening shot in the Gotham War!
Creative Team
Writers: Tini Howard & Chip Zdarsky
Penciller: Mike Hawthorne
Inker: Adriano Di Benedetto
Colorist: Romulo Fajardo Jr.
Cover Artists: Jorge Jimenez
Variant Cover Artist: Joe Quesada, Kevin Nowlan & Richard Isanove, Kael Ngu, Otto Schmidt, Jonboy Meyers
Editors: Ben Abernathy & Jessica Chen
Format: One-Shot
Cover Price/Page Count: $5.99/48 pages
Batman/Catwoman: The Gotham War – Battle Lines #1 will be on shelves and digital platforms Tuesday, August 29 from DC Entertainment.