A young woman, code name “Kabuki”, struggles with her identity in near-future Japan. Working as an operative for a clandestine government agency known as “The Noh,” Kabuki neutralizes dangerous individuals before they become national-level threats, but when the agency she works for is compromised, Kabuki’s personal quest sends her down a difficult path to her own self-discovery, that may bring her in direct conflict with the powers she formerly served.
“Beautiful, inspiring, thought-provoking.” – Bill Sienkiewicz
The origin, the foundation of the story . . . The very beginning of the acclaimed series created by David Mack. Kabuki Omnibus: Volume 1 collects the first two original Kabuki volumes: Circle of Blood and Dreams in an easy to read trade paperback . . . loaded with extras! Cover gallery, commentary, new art & text… The perfect book for fans of Mack, his beloved series, and brand-new Kabuki readers!
Kabuki Omnibus: Volume 1 goes on sale December 11, 2019 and is available for pre-order on Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and at your local comic shop. Be sure to pick up this 400-page paperback collection for $29.99.