Many shop owners, comic readers and everything in between dream of breaking into the big time and working with their favorite comic companies and characters, however, few actually make the jump from dream to reality. Well True Believers, prepare yourselves to get the always welcome adrenaline shot of optimism as we see Dani Ward former Comic Shop Manager has cracked the gates wide open. With a wealth of experience from years in the “retailer trenches,” Dani Ward brings an energetic boom to as Sales Manager to Valiant’s marketing enterprises. Not only that but packing the one-two punch of not only being a professional in the field but a fan of the characters we can trust that she’ll share the same enthusiasm as we loyal Valiant fans have over the years for the catalog of epic characters such as Ninjak, Faith, Shadowman, and Livewire.
From the Local Scene to the Big Leagues- Dani Ward Debuts!
Former comic book store manager Dani Ward has gotten the chance to play in the majors as she joins Valiant!!!