Have you ever lay awake at night and wondered what if I took that other job, what if I said something different would it have changed anything? Our World is often plagued with “what if” scenarios. That is exactly what is happening in the Marvel Universe coming this October What if the Marvel Universe was different?
The Marvel Universe gets six new ‘What If ‘ scenarios: Spider-Man, Magik, Ghost Rider, Thor, the X-Men, and the Punisher.
What if? The Punisher
Written by Carl Potts
Art by Juanan Ramirez
Cover by Christopher Stevens
Release Date: 10/10/18
What if Peter Parker becomes the Punisher after he lets Uncle Ben’s murder escape? Parker becomes overtaken with guilt and promises this to never happen again. Parker is no longer the friendly neighborhood spider-man but the Punisher, as we will see him take on the Green Goblin.
What if? Magik
Written by: Leah Williams
Artist by: Filipe Andrade
Cover By Jeff Dekal
Release Date: 10/31/18
Illyana life reads like a horror story, she has seen her parents die, was dead herself, came back to life, has been evil, has been good, raised by demons. What if Magic didn’t have so many ups and downs in her life? What would she have turned out to be if she wasn’t raised by demons, it could be magical?
What if? Ghost Rider
Written by Sebastian Griner
Art by Caspar Wigngaard
Cover by Aleksi Briclot
Release Date: 10/17/18
Tucker Marcus from Marvel writes “You’ve only heard whispers of this real-world/Marvel Universe crossover until now when moral decline and budgetary shortfalls have combined to lower our lawyers’ resistance! Sebastian Girner and Caspar Wijngaard recklessly bring you the tale of the first and only true Nordic black metal band to visit the Marvel Universe through the insanity of likeness release waivers! What role does Ghost Rider Robbie Reyes play, and will your mind survive the brutality!?
Editor Kathleen Wisneski says, “Before you read this comic, you’re going to need THREE things, friends. ONE: an extra pair of pants. TWO: some kind of eyeball apparatus designed to keep your eyeballs INSIDE your head. THREE: your mom on speed-dial. We are serving you pants-off and eyeballs-out levels of horror and shock, and if ANYONE has a chance to call you back from the ledge of insanity that this comic will lift you to, then ABANDON you upon, it’s your momma. If she’s read it first, you can hold hands on your way DOWN INTO THE ABYSS!” Oh boy.”
What If? Thor
Written by Ethan Sacks
Art by Michele Bandini
Cover by Macro Checchetto
Release Date: 10/24/18
Thor father lost the battle against the King of Giants, how would that change Thor? Thor would be raised in winters, learning the way of life from the brutal Jotenheim. How does his relationship with Loki differ? After being raised by the men who took his father, will he want vengeance? Or will he side with the people who raised him?
What if? X-Men
Written by Bryan Edward Hill
Art by Neil Edwards and Giannis Milonogiannis
Cover by Rahzzah
Release Date: 10/03/18
Tucker Marcus from Marvel writes “Welcome to the EXE/scape, a digital wonderland of business and pleasure accessible to anyone with the social (or monetary) capital for the bio-mods needed to log in… Or you can bypass all of that by being born carrying an .EXE/gene! But circumventing the login regulations is exactly what got the likes of Charles Xavier and his.EXE/men banned and driven underground in the first place… Free-roamers u/Domino and u/Cable have taken every dirty job there is on the ‘scape, but when a simple data scrubbing job turns bad, the life of bio-mod magnate Erik Lehnsherr hangs in the balance, and with it, their very society…
Editor Chris Robinson keeps the pitch short and sweet: “The most life-changing comic since VENOM #1. Speculators take note.” Boom.”
What if? Spider-Man
Written by Gerry Conway
Art by Diego Olotegui
Cover by Patch Zircher
Release Date: 10/03/18
Peter Parker makes an amazing spider-man (pun intended) because he is responsible and wants to be the good guy, to stand up and be the hero that his neighborhood needs. What if that same spider that bit Parker bit someone else instead? Someone who is the exact opposite of who Parker is; someone who is egotistical, self-serving, only cared about himself, what if Flash Thompson became Spider-Man?
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