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Five Words: Otto Octavius, The Superior Spider-Boy in Superior Spider-Man #7

After the recent events of the adjectiveless Spider-Man title and Amazing Spider-Man, Peter Parker has received a new sidekick alongside a renewed antagonism with Doc Ock. Now, a never-before-seen, former villain from the Superior Spider-Man era appears and threatens New York as Doc Ock continues to plan for his future.

Comic Watch Review: 

Humberto Ramos & Edgar Delgado Variant Cover:


Superior Spider-Man #7

Five words: Otto Octavius, the Superior Spider-Boy. That’s all you need to know.

What? Do you want us to spoil EVERYTHING? Read the book. Superior Spider-Boy?! HOW? Why would we do that? Was this the plan all along?! SHHH! We didn’t even want to tell you THAT much. Hope you’re happy now. Look, JUST READ THE BOOK.

Creative Team

Five words: Otto Octavius, the Superior Spider-Boy in Superior Spider-Man #7 on shelves and digital platforms on Wednesday,May 22, 2024, from Marvel Comics.

Five words: Otto Octavius, the Superior Spider-Boy in Superior Spider-Man #7
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