The age of monsters continues as an enraged Hulk tries to take control of Bruce Banner’s body permanently, a mysterious immortal turns every monster in the Marvel Universe against Banner in an attempt to free their creator, the primordial Mother of Horrors.
Phillip Kennedy Johnson’s latest spine-chilling tale takes Hulk on a mind-bending walk into the past in Incredible Hulk #11
Carlos Magno Vampire Variant Cover:
Arthur Adams 1:25 Incentive Variant Cover:
Incredible Hulk #11
The monstrous, ethereal, demonic/angelic Frozen Charlotte has plagued New Orleans for centuries, and it’s high time to put a stop to it. And Hulk is just the guy to do it.
Plus, Eldest makes another tempting offer to Bruce Banner…
Creative Team
- Writer: Phillip Kennedy Johnson
- Artist: Danny Earls
- Colorist: Matt Wilson
- Letterer: Cory Petit
- Cover Artist: Nic Klein
- Variant Cover Artists: Arthur Adams; Carlos Magno
- Editor: Wil Moss
- Assistant Editor: Michelle Marchese
- Format: Ongoing
- Cover Price/Page Count: $3.99/28 Pages
Hulk sets out to smash Frozen Charlotte once and for all in The Incredible Hulk #11 on shelves & digital platforms Wednesday, April 10. 2024 from Marvel Comics
Hulk Sets Out To Smash Frozen Charlotte Once And For All in The Incredible Hulk #11
User Review
( votes)( reviews)
This gives me 1970s House of Mystery vibes.