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Interview: Andy Lanning & Ant Williams – Legendari: The Fall of Mira Prime

Last week creators Andy Lanning and Anthony Williams returned to chat with Comic Watch about their latest collaboration with the team at Metatravelers

The pair are putting out a 64-page GN based on characters they developed as action figures which were part of a successful Kickstarter campaign last year. 

Lanning & Williams have been working with Metatravelers for the past few years developing a storyworld for the characters they are developing and the book has brand new content plus the first printed version of a motion comic series they created with them 2 years ago.  The book’s called Legendari: The Fall of Mira Prime and the campaign can be found here:

Legendari: The Fall of Mira Prime

In the interview below we talk about the current project, follow up on the Slave Zero X comic and more:

Related: Interview With Andy Lanning & Ant Williams – Bringing Slave Zero X To The Comic Page

Be sure to check out the motion comics at Meta Travelers: Legendari Motion Comics

Legendary Action Figures:

Andy Lanning & Ant Williams – Legendari: The Fall of Mira Prime
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