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Interview: Transphoria: A Trans/Nonbinary Comic Anthology!

From the publisher that brought you Bi VisibilityRainbow Canvas, and Hairology comes Transphoria: A Trans/Nonbinary Comic Anthology!

Transphoria is a 90 page GRAPHIC NOVEL that collects 19 new short stories about Trans & Nonbinary experiences of Gender Euphoria (feelings of joy in how your gender is presented and perceived)!

The creators of Lifeline Comics and two members of the Transphoria Editorial Team Kat Calamia and Phil Falco sat down with Comic Watch to discuss the anthology currently funding on Kickstarter.

Dylan Davison (they/them) a nonbinary comic writer known for their series, Jack The Hunted, specializing in horror and queer narratives also talks about his story.

Outside of writing, Dylan actively supports the LGBTQIA community, co-running a local college’s Pride Center and contributing to various Queer community projects and contributes to the Comic Watch site


Genre: Horror

Logline: Kirby, a young trans man working late, finds himself and his coworkers confronted by a mysterious creature capable of assuming the forms of Kirby’s closest friends, leading to a night of terror and self-revelations.

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Interview: Transphoria: A Trans/Nonbinary Comic Anthology!
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