Are comic book sales doing better than ever? Or are they plummeting? Sean Winningham from “The Captioned Life” explores this question with guest John Jackson Miller, creator of the comics sales history website “Comichron”. John provides some insight on what we can and cannot know about sales, how sales have been doing in the last 20 years, and how new ventures like WhatNot and NFTs are impacting the sales of comics.
In addition to serving as Senior Multimedia Producer & Contributor for Comic Watch, Sean also writes about games, from board games to tabletop roleplaying games. You can find him on social media @CritHitTheGiant.He was first introduced to comics by his uncle when he was young and still remembers to this day reading the first issues of X-Men and Daredevil from his uncle's comic book collection.In the little spare time he has, he also cosplays and attends conventions with his kid. Sean also spends his time with his family, playing games, reading, and travel.