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Jonathan Hickman’s Reinvention Of The Marvel Cosmology Reaches Its Finale in G.O.D.S. #8

Jonathan Hickman’s reinvention of the Marvel Universe Cosmology begins this week in as the conflict features avatars of diametrically opposed forces, Wyn of The-Powers-That-Be and Aiko of The-Natural-Order-Of-Things, coming out of the shadows and interacting with the larger Marvel Universe.

In G.O.D.S. Hickman starts his worldbuilding from page one as a Babylon Event (an instance where the cosmic balance is upended) occurs, and will require science and magic working together to battle an eldritch horror.

Comic Watch Reviews:


Phil Noto Variant Cover:

Ron Lim & Israel Silva Cosmic Homage Variant Cover:

Greg Land 1:25 Incentive Variant Cover:


If you could go back and erase the biggest mistake you’ve ever made, would you?

Of course you would. So let’s do that. And let the pieces fall where they may.

Creative Team

Jonathan Hickman’s Reinvention Of The Marvel Cosmology Reaches Its Finale in G.O.D.S. #8, on shelves and digital platforms on Wednesday, June 12, 2024, from Marvel Comics.

Jonathan Hickman’s Reinvention Of The Marvel Cosmology Reaches Its Finale in G.O.D.S. #8
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