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Learn What Marvel Hero Gets the Craving in BLOOD HUNT #2

Warning: Spoiler for the Last Page Cliffhanger of Blood Hunt #2

Marvel unveiled the stage of transformation for Miles Morales as he succumbs to the vampiric threats of Blood Hunt. He joins Black Panther and Doctor Strange as targets of the vampire agenda, and both the main series and his solo book will deal with the fallout of the change. In writer Cody Ziglar and artist Federico Vicentini’s Miles Morales: Spider-Man #23, Spider-Man comes face-to-face with the Vulture while searching for a cure to his bloodlust. 

In the press release, Ziglar discussed the thematic offerings that the twist offered, stating: 

“I’m looking forward to having Miles juggle the pressures of being a friendly neighborhood Spider-Man with the added threat of not knowing if he’ll snap at any moment. Being stuck in a constant aggressive fight or flight mode when you can lift ten tons will present some interesting dilemmas for our boy.”

Alongside the reveal, Marvel also shared a first look at Vicentini’s cover, which can be seen below. 

Written by CODY ZIGLAR
On Sale 8/14

Learn What Marvel Hero Gets the Craving in BLOOD HUNT #2
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