Superstar comics writer Peter David, known for his legendary and impactful run on INCREDIBLE HULK, returns to the character proving his acclaimed work on the Hulk mythos is far from over!
Having just finished an epic trilogy of limited series that told the grand saga of Hulk villain MAESTRO, David will now turn his attention to another iconic creation of his—JOE FIXIT!
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This fan-favorite Hulk persona, who muscled his way through Las Vegas as a hedonistic bodyguard,stars in his very own limited series JOE FIXIT #1 (of 5) set during David’s original time on the INCREDIBLE HULK this week
Todd Nauck & Rachelle Rosenberg Headshot Variant Cover:
Tom Reilly Windowshades Variant Cover:
Yildiray Çinar & Matt Milla 1:25 Incentive Variant Cover:
JOE FIXIT #1 (of 5)
Gone are the ripped-up shorts of the Hulk of yore—this enforcer prefers the slick suave of a striped suit, and the Hulk has traded in “monster” for “mobster” as he lends his strength to the Las Vegas casino scene. Of course, the Kingpin has his own ideas about who the toughest guy in town is, and it’s up to Spider-Man to keep the two of them from destroying Sin City!
- Writer: Peter David
- Artist-Penciller: Yildiray Cinar
- Inker: Dee Cunniffe
- Colorist: Matt Milla
- Letterer: VC’s Ariana Maher
- Designer: Carlos Lao
- Cover Artist: Jordie Bellaire & Cully Hamner
- Variant Cover Artist: Yildiray Çinar & Matt Milla; Todd Nauck & Rachelle Rosenberg; Tom Reilly
- Editor: Wil Moss
- Assistant Editor: Michelle Marchese
- Format: 5 Issue Limited Series
- Cover Price/Page Count: $3.99/ 28 Pages
Hulk’s Joe Fixit persona and Kingpin throwdown in Sin City in JOE FIXIT #1 (of 5), in comic stores and digital platforms on Wednesday, January 4, 2023, from Marvel Comics.