The Avengers of Earth-616 traveled to the past to protect their prehistoric counterparts, and together, they are facing off against the Multiversal Masters. Doom Supreme of the Multiversal Masters has also gathered his own army of variants to usurp power.
Comic Watch Review: Avengers Forever #13: It’s Raining Hammers, Hallelujah
Mark Brooks Infinity War Saga Phase 3 Variant Cover:
Logan Lubera & Rachel Rosenberg 90s Avengers Assemble Connecting Variant Cover:
David Talaski Planet Of The Apes Variant Cover:
The mightiest heroes of the Multiverse. The protectors of the prehistoric Earth. And the mainstay Avengers of the present-day Marvel Universe. At last, they all stand together in one place, united against a common foe. What enemy could dare stand against the greatest force ever assembled? Here comes Doom the Living Planet with the answer.
- Writer(s): Jason Aaron
- Artist(s): Jim Towe
- Colorist(s): Frank Martin; Chris Sotomayor, Morry Hollowell
- Letterer: Cory Petit
- Cover Artist: Aaron Kuder & Alex Sinclair
- Variant Cover Artists: Mark Brooks; Logan Lubera & Rachel Rosenberg; David Talaski
- Editor: Tom Brevoort
- Assistant Editor: Martin Biro
- Associate Editor: Annalise Bissa
- Cover Price/Page Count: $3.99/ 28 pages
All Avengers across time and space stand together in AVENGERS FOREVER #14 on shelves and digital platforms on Wednesday, February 15, 2023, from Marvel Comics.