The MURDERWORLD five-part series, from the tormented minds of Jim Zub (Conan the Barbarian, AVENGERS), Ray Fawkes (One Soul, Constantine), and Jethro Morales plunges readers into the darkest depths of Arcade’s Murderworld, the classic location that caused mayhem in the Marvel Universe for decades!
Get ready for an overload gut-wrenching twists, unbelievable deaths, and bloodied and bruised Marvel heroes, this unpredictable story will reveal just how deadly Murderworld truly is and uncover shocking truths behind the countless victims that have found themselves trapped there.
Arcade and his schemes have been a punchline in the past, but this game is no laughing matter. Each issue ups the ante and will keep readers…MURDERWORLD: WOLVERINE#1 is no different.
Comic Watch Review:
David López Variant Cover:
Wolverine is “the best he is at what he does,” and what he does is hunt victims in Murderworld! Our contestants are about to feel the SNIKT! Will anyone survive Arcade’s deadliest game?
Arcade and his schemes have been a punchline in the past, but this game is no joke. Each issue ups the ante and will keep readers guessing right up until the end. Don’t miss it!
- Writer: Jim Zub & Ray Fawkes
- Artist(s): Carlos Nieto
- Colorist: Chris Sotomayor
- Cover Artists: Paco Medina and Jesus Aburtov
- Variant Cover Artist: David López
- Format: Limited Series
- Cover Price/Page Count: $3.99 / 28 pages
Arcade’s deadly game of cat & mouse continues this week in MURDERWORLD: WOLVERINE#1 hitting stands and digital platforms on January 25, 2023, from Marvel Comics.