Bob Reynolds, aka The Sentry, was previously killed during King in Black, leaving a massive source of power untapped in the Marvel Universe. The limitless energy of a thousand exploding suns has now split off and found a variety of hosts including Mallory Gibbs, a reporter with cerebral palsy. and Ryan Topper, a teenager that wants to control all of the power, no matter the cost.
Comic Watch Review: Sentry #1: Consequences of Power
Whilce Portacio Variant:
1:25 Sunghan Yune Variant:
The Sentry #2
As more people begin manifesting Sentry’s powers, it’s all Misty Knight and Jessica Jones can do to keep track of the incidents, let alone discover any connections between them. Meanwhile, each new Sentry must reckon with their newfound abilities—and what this newfound power means for who they will become. Unfortunately, one of them isn’t a team player…
Creative Team
Writer: Jason Loo
Artist: Luigi Zagaria & David Cutler
Colorist: Arthur Hesu
Letterer: VC’s Joe Caramagna
Cover Artist: Ben Harvey
Variant Cover Artists: Wilche Portacio & Alex Sinclair, Sunghan Yune
Editor: Alanna Smith
Format: Limited Series
Cover Price/Page Count: $3.99/28 pages
The Sentry #2 will be on shelves and digital platforms Wednesday, January 10 from Marvel.