After betraying the Justice League and larger superhero community in order to play double agent during Absolute Power, Green Arrow is back in Star City and ready to play robin hood hero once again. A new, mysterious killer is on the loose, targeting victims with an ecological disaster. Arrow finds a loose ally in a police detective while canvassing the scene, pointing to a connection to Queen’s past.
Comic Watch Review: Green Arrow #18: A Fresh (water) Start
Erik M. Gist Card Stock Variant:
Green Arrow #19
THE MYSTERY OF THE FRESH WATER KILLER DEEPENS! As Oliver Queen is forced to ask tough questions about the origins of the Fresh Water environmental disaster, the Fresh Water Killer moves towards their next target. With time running out before another murder rocks the city, the Emerald Archer runs into surprising resistance to his investigation!
Creative Team
Writer: Chris Condon
Artist: Montos
Colorist: Adriano Lucas
Letterer: Hassan Otsmane-Elhaou
Cover Artist: Taurin Clarke
Variant Cover Artists: Erik M. Gist
Editor: Chris Rosa
Format: Ongoing
Cover Price/Page Count: $3.99/32 pages
Green Arrow #19 will be on shelves and digital platforms Wednesday, December 25 from DC.