Over the past nine issues, (Superman’s Pal) Jimmy Olsen has embarked on a world tour—risking his life for your sweet retweets and likes! He’s also dodged an assassination attempt and started a prank war with Batman. And, in case you missed it, gone “Full King Kong” in Gorilla City.
But how do those moments of comic book brilliance (CBR said it, not us: “Superman’s Pal, Jimmy Olsen #1 a Brilliant Piece of Comedic Fiction“) get made? Let’s go behinds the scenes of Superman’s Pal Jimmy Olsen #10, and take a look at Steve Lieber’s line work next to Matt Fraction’s script!
*Content warning: We don’t mind the F-bomb in Fraction’s script, but it’s there if you want to avoid it.
**Spoiler warning: Fraction hasn’t named the CAT.
***Format warning: the images go fullscreen if you click them. You’re welcome!
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