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NEWS WATCH: Marvel Empyre Panel Updates from C2E2

The Marvel Comics panel at C2E2 focused on the new blockbuster event Empyre just occurred and we are right there for the action! Check out the screenshots below for all the latest on the Empyre reveals followed by key notes from Comic Watch’s own Gabriel De Jesus for highlights on just what to expect in the expansive range of titles accompanying Marvel’s Empyre!


Avengers Empyre #0 takes place on the Green area of the moon where the Crotai Swordsman asks for help. We find out what he’s been up to!

Fantastic Four #0 introduces new elder of the universe the Propheter and the end of Kree-Skrull conflict results in power structure changes of space.

Empyre Avengers is about the need to call in extra Avengers to deal with fallout around the world.

Spider-Man will be a ground level Spider-Man story with a good and funny premise. Can’t give more details yet…

Emperor Hulkling is a deep dive into what happened to him and why Hulkling is doing what he is doing. 

Celestial Messiah and Swordsman are the other Lords of Empyre one-shots. These are set to show who they are and why they are important to Empyre.

There will be two different X-Men titles involved: main X title and one other.

Captain Marvel gets into her new role with Hazmat and War Machine.

Storm Ranger is traveling through the cosmos interacting with others and there are some similarities presented to Venom.

Invasion of Wakanda features General Okoye playing a big role and the incursion into Wakanda is said to be important to the main plot.

Captain America will be a space war story and will have a gritty look with art by Ariel Olivetti.

Wiccan’s relationship will play a role in Empyre and  there will be a Strikeforce tie in.

If you like Wiccan and Hulking books are coming in the next few months that will be up your alley.

Road to Empyre is set to be a single issue one-shot that is a primer to bring people up to speed in the context of the cast of Meet the Skrulls.

While not much information was given, some of the Young Avengers will apparently play a roll.

Empyre takes place in Earth region, but will be felt throughout space in Guardians of the Galaxy.

Nick Fury and the Watchers will not play a role, but Fury may show up by the end.

Kree Imperium are actually the Kree supporting Hulking, not the Utopian Kree.

The Inhumans will not play a role, but may be coming back elsewhere in the Marvel Universe.

Outlawed will have an impact on the other books like the status quo of teen heroes going forward, but will remain unrelated to Empyre.

Lastly, Marvel is describing Empyre as a spiritual sequel to Kree-Skrull war.

There you have it! Thanks again to Gabriel De Jesus for bringing all the latest Marvel has to offer on the next big event, Empyre, at C2E2. Be sure to stay tuned to Comic Watch for all the latest comic news and reviews!

NEWS WATCH: Marvel Empyre Panel Updates from C2E2
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