After the success of Doctor Strange in 2016, Marvel Studios is ready for round 2. It was announced that sequel will be making rounds in the next couple of years which should hit theaters in 2021. Since Strange’s debut, he appeared in Thor: Ragnarok in 2017, then in 2018 with Marvel’s Megahit Avengers Infinity War.

Alum director Scott Derrickson has announced he will return to direct. In front of the camera, Benedict Cumberbatch who played Strange will be accompanied by Rachal Adams and Benedict Wong. The first movie made 677 million worldwide.
News Watch: Marvel Studios is back for Doctor Strange 2
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Author: Brian Arbizo
https://www.superherobookclub.comGrowing up I moved around a lot for one reason or another, I never stayed in one school for more than a year. Although I made friends easy I always had to start over. Growing up in the 90's I had Saturday morning X-Men and comic books. My mother was a single mother, I had a lot of time alone time, I read comic books all the time. They really taught me a lot about life, being open to everyone. I take great pride in being a writer for comic watch, sharing news and comics with people who may need that "you're not alone."