The Legend of Shang-Chi by the creative team of Gene Luen Yang, Dike Ruan, and Philip Tan is kicking its way into readers’ hands this September. The Marvel Comics miniseries begins a new chapter for this legendary martial arts master.
First announced back in March, this new miniseries promises to dig into the origin story of Shang-Chi like never before and reveal mysteries surrounding Marvel’s greatest fighter. The story will introduce The Five Weapons Society, a group of fighters made up of five different houses, each dedicated to one weapon. But who are the players in this new part of the Shang-Chi legend? Here is a rundown and some character designs to help you become acquainted:
Brother Staff is the current Supreme Commander of the Five Weapons Society. He comes from the House of the Deadly Staff, located in a forest just outside of London, England. Brother Staff is nothing if not flexible. He’s always willing to adapt to the changing times. Under his leadership, the Society focused on economic gain rather than tradition. The ornate bo staff he carries is as much a status symbol as it is a weapon.
Brother Sabre was raised in the House of the Deadly Sabre near Tokyo, Japan. He centers his life on the Five Weapons Society, the secret organization founded by his and Shang-Chi’s father. Though boisterous, he is a true believer. Skilled in all manner of bladed weapons, his favorite is a nine-ring sabre.
Sister Dagger grew up in the House of the Deadly Dagger, a mansion hidden behind a waterfall in France. As one of the most talented martial artists in the world, Sister Dagger is the youngest House Champion in the history of the Five Weapons Society. She trusts Brother Sabre with her life, but no one else. Even when blindfolded, Sister Dagger can throw flying daggers with pinpoint accuracy.
Sister Hammer is perhaps the most unknown of Shang-Chi’s family. She spent most of her childhood in the House of the Deadly Hammer, located in a Russian desert. She’s strong in body, mind, and will. The tattoo on her forehead was meant to be a punishment, but she’s turned it into a source of pride. Her weapon of choice is a long-handled war hammer. Unlike the other House Champions, she has kept her distance from the Society. Unhappy with its direction, she can no longer wait patiently to take action.
To date, the House of the Deadly Hand lies in shambles. The whereabouts of its Champion is currently unknown.
The Legend Of Shang-Chi
An ancient and evil secret society has stayed in hiding since the death of their leader, Zheng Zu. But now his successor has been chosen to shift the balance of power in the world — Zheng Zu’s son, Shang-Chi! Witness the Marvel Universe’s greatest fighter return to a world of death and destruction he thought he left behind long ago — and discover the secrets to Shang-Chi’s past that will change his world forever.
Don’t miss out on this epic tale of family, betrayal, and justice as the incredible team of Gene Luen Yang, Dike Ruan, and Philip Tan launch a new chapter in the legend of Shang-Chi, which lands on stands and digital platforms Wednesday, September 30.