Written and illustrated by veteran creator Phillip Sevy (The Freeze, The House, Tomb Raider), Triage is a five-part sci-fi epic that explores the idea of how we measure up when standing beside heroes and legends.
Here is some TRIAGE prologue art by Phil Sevy that was first revealed in a PASTE magazine exclusive:
“For my first creator-owned book, I wanted to try and deliver the biggest, boldest, and craziest story I could through the lens of one singular vision. In Triage, I wanted to go as big and as personal as possible. From writing to penciling to inking to coloring (with amazing letters by Frank Cvetkovic), I’ve been killing myself to deliver a story that is exciting, fun, audacious, and human. Evie has become one of my favorite characters I’ve got to work with. At its core, Triage is about discovering your identity amidst the chaos and enormities of the world around you.”—Phillip Sevy
Triage #1 (of five) goes on sale September 4, 2019, and is available for pre-order at your local comic shop.
Early Praise for Triage:
“Triage is dynamic, beautifully-rendered, and absolutely refuses to stay put in any one genre, exploring its different worlds and stories through a shifting, yet uniquely singular, lens. Fitting then, that Phil Sevy—madman that he is—could serve as brilliant jack-of-all-trades every creative position on the whole dang book.”—Ryan Cady (Infinite Dark, Old Man Logan)
“A complete masterpiece – a strange, mind-bending story that does more in its first 20 pages than many books do in 120. Working with Phil on TOMB RAIDER was A+, but watching him render his very own world? It’s amazing.”—Jackson Lanzing (Tomb Raider, Green Arrow)
“It’s remarkable enough that Sevy tackles writing, art and colors all at once, but watching him combine a fascinating hook, a colorful sci-fi landscape, a strong female protagonist and authentic narration, it makes his work on Triage truly impressive.”—Zack Kaplan (Nightwing, Port of Earth)