With Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse looking like it will be a success Sony Chief Amy Pascal reveals plans to bring us more tales of the Spider-Verse which would include other Spider Woman.

Art by Ryan Kelly
Pascal has confirmed in an interview with Vanity Fair that plans are afoot to add to the cast of the cinematic Spider-Verse. First, though the romance between Miles and Gwen Stacy will be the subject of the upcoming sequel which was not fully explored as it did not fit into the first movie. This sequel will be directed by Joaquim Dos Santos (Avatar: The Last Airbender, Voltron) and written by David Callaham (Wonder Woman 1984, Zombieland 2)

Spider-Woman Alpha #1 cover by Yasmin Putri
This will then serve as a platform to launch the previously announced Spider-Woman spinoff which Pascal confirms will feature Spider-Gwen as well as the introduction of the original Spider-Woman herself Jessica Drew and Cindy Moon a.k.a Silk into the mix (we pause for a personal fanboy moment to ourselves)! The script for which is written by Bek Smith.
It has also been indicated that both these will take heavily from recent runs in the Marvel comics and this is because of a mandate at Columbia Pictures to stay true to the source material.
The real magic though of the success of Into the Spider-Verse is the plethora of opportunity it offers Sony in creating spin-off tales in this universe. Sony’s licensing deal with Marvel includes approximately an astonishing 900 characters which really provides them with an almost limitless amount of original source material and spinoff opportunities.
Look out for our review of Into the Spider-verse, as well as ongoing coverage of this story as it unfolds because as always… We will be watching