Stan Lee’s Alliances: A Trick of Light, his final work is complete and on Audible this summer
What else can be said about Stan Lee other then he is “The Man” because even after death he is still giving us a new world to discover and new adventures to go on with his audio drama Alliances: A Trick of Light. Co-creating this new universe with Luke Lieberman and Ryan Silbert, Lee was able to record the first chapter of the drama before his death in November of 2018. Audible with be releasing the first chapter of Alliances: A Trick of Light, that also comes with an introduction recorded by Lee, on June 27.
Alliances: A Trick of Light is written by Lee and Kat Rosenfield is about a mysterious young woman named Nia who gets mixed up with Midwestern teenager Cameron Ackerson, who travels to the Great Lakes triangle as part of his quest to become a YouTube star. It’s there that he is granted the power to see and hear a new reality. Nia and Cameron use this power to try to create a more righteous online universe but end up on the wrong side of a shadowy group called OPTIC, which hunts them down. If that’s not enough, a galactic threat emerges that could end all of humanity.
“I had an image in my head of being able to go over to his house and listen to this with him and share this part of it,” said Lieberman and went on to say, “It’s a big deal for us to finally bring this out.”