With today’s political climate, we have forgotten how to forgive and forget, live and let live, and to love and laugh. And sometimes those laughs come from where we least expect and in a form that we least expect. In comes AHOY Comics and their spin on Jesus and his perception on the world in Second Coming, AHOY’S satirical take on Jesus Christ and him resuming his holy mission. Created by New York Times bestselling writer Mark Russell and acclaimed artist Richard Pace, God commands Earth’s mightiest superhero, Sunstar, to accept Jesus Christ as his roommate and teach him how to use his power in a more powerful way. Jesus, shocked at the way humans have twisted his message over two millennia, vows to straighten it out. Originally, Second Coming was scheduled to be published by Vertigo, however, after a petition by CitizenGo, the creators asked DC Comics (Vertigo’s parent company) to revert the publishing rights back to them. You can check out some early sketches and art below. And make sure you grab a copy of issue #1 on July 10th.
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Author: Mike Eakins
I remember stealing my older brother's copy of a Punisher comic and it was all down hill from there. I went to a Navy recruiter's office with the promise of cake. I was lied to and 20 years later here I am. I enjoy summers off with my family at our timeshare on Gallifrey.