Marvel revealed a new limited series, Daredevil: Cold Day in Hell, during the Marvel Fanfare with C.B. Cebulski Panel at New York Comic Con. The series reunites former Daredevil writer Charles Soule with acclaimed artist Steve McNiven to tell what sounds like an Old Man Murdock story. Set in an alternate future, Matt Murdock no longer has powers but does what he can to help the people of New York. After a nuclear event occurs, the Man without Fear gets his powers back and must battle evil on behalf of Captain America.
Soule spoke about collaborating with McNiven during the panel, stating:
“I know whatever idea I write is going to be executed masterfully by Steve, and that level of trust allows you to take a lot of risks. It’s been a really interesting process because the way we made it is something I wouldn’t do with an artist that I didn’t have this level of collaboration and trust with. We’ve been working on this book for four years, and that time has been well spent.”
The limited series marks McNiven’s return to Marvel after almost ten years. While at Marvel, the artist worked on titles like Old Man Logan, Civil War, and New Avengers. The first look at the artwork for Cold Day in Hell can be seen below.
McNiven discussed Frank Miller’s influence on the artwork, stating:
“I started out by going why are not more people learning from Frank [Miller] and the storytelling he does. I was inspired by his work on Dark Knight Returns. To a certain degree, the structure of a 16 panel grid forces you to do different storytelling techniques.”
Art and Cover by STEVE McNIVEN
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