Award-winning writer/artist Kaare Andrews returns to the world of SPIDER-MAN’S dystopian future in this sequel to the landmark, genre-defying SPIDER-MAN: REIGN!
The original series saw an old, reduced Peter Parker return to the Spider-Man costume in a dystopian New York. Now, original writer/artist Kaare Andrews returns to the universe to explore what happened to the other Spider-Man (Miles Morales) of this world.
The five-issue limited series will also return to this interpretation of Peter while also setting up a new Black Cat
Mirka Andolfo Variant Cover:
Skan Srisuwan Variant Cover:
Kaare Andrews 1:50 Incentive Virgin Variant Cover:
Spider-Man Reign 2 #2
Old Man Peter returns to the past! Can he save the future and, more importantly, Mary Jane? Not if MILES MORALES has anything to say about it.
Creative Team
- Writer: Kaare Andrews
- Artist: Kaare Andrews
- Colorist: Brian Reber
- Letterer: VC’s Cory Petit
- Designer: Jay Bowen
- Cover Artists: Kaare Andrews
- Variant Cover Artist: Kaare Andrews; Mirka Andolfo; Skan Srisuwan
- Editor: Tom Groneman
- Format: Limited Series
- Cover Price/Page Count: $3.99/28 pages
Old Man Peter returns to the past in Spider-Man Reign 2 #2 on shelves & digital platforms on August 7, 2024, from Marvel Comics