The Lost Mountain Saga & Solo Rules for Vaesen – Nordic Horror Roleplaying Released
The Lost Mountain Saga & Solo Rules for Vaesen – Nordic Horror Roleplaying Released @freeleaguepub
DetailsThe Lost Mountain Saga & Solo Rules for Vaesen – Nordic Horror Roleplaying Released @freeleaguepub
DetailsTrick or Treat! Vaesen – Nordic Horror Roleplaying Free at DriveThruRPG during Halloween @FreeLeaguePub @DriveThruRPG
DetailsThe battle for the soul of Stephen Strange begins in Doctor Strange #9 on shelves & digital platforms on Wednesday, November 1, 2023, from @jedmackay @PasqualFerry @thealexrossart @corypetit #MarvelComics #DoctorStrange
DetailsCan Natasha resist the symbiote’s corrupting and violent influence in Venom #27, on shelves and digital platforms on November 1, 2023, from @gronbekk @JuliusOhta @RafaelTPimentel & #MarvelComics
DetailsAn all-new storyline kicks off in Avengers #7, on shelves & digital platforms on Wednesday, November 1, 2023, from from @jedmackay @Cfvillaart @toonfed @stuartimmonen & #MarvelComics
DetailsReturn to the Return of Superman in the RETURN OF SUPERMAN 30th Anniversary Special #1, on shelves & digital platforms on Tuesday, Oct. 31, 2023, from @thedanjurgens @LouiseSimonson2 @KarlKesel @JerryOrdway & @DCOffiical #Superman
DetailsSpider-Boy swings into his own ongoing series in SPIDER-BOY #1, on shelves and digital platforms Wednesday, November 1, 2023, from @DanSlott & #MarvelComics! #SpiderBoy
DetailsYelena Belova headlines her very own limited series in White Widow #1 (of 5), on shelves & digital platforms on Wednesday, November 1, 2023, from @_SarahGailey @alessandromirac & #MarvelComics
DetailsXanthe’s first adventure in the DCU comes to an epic close in Spirit World #6, on shelves & digital platforms on Tuesday, October 31, 2023, from @crashwong @hainingart @SebastianArtist & @DCOffcial
DetailsSupergirl questions her identity and role in Supergirl Special #1 on shelves & digital platforms on Tuesday, October 31, 2023, from @marikotamaki @SkyePatridge & @DCOfficial #Supergirl #DCComics
DetailsDon’t miss out on this foundational issue for the new line of Ultimate Comics in Ultimate Universe #1, on shelves & digital platforms on Nov. 1, 2023, from #johnathanhickman #StefanoCaselli & @Marvel #UltimateUniverse
DetailsJoin There is Nothing Left to Say (On The Invisibles) for fake-sounding dreams, prognostication, symbolist aggregation, Luddites, Brian Bolland, Grant Morrison, Scooby-Doo, movie adaptations & interpretation. @grantmorrison #Invisibles