Shazam! Fury of the Gods Special: Shazamily Matters #1 Preview: We Are Shazamily
Shazam! Fury of the Gods Special: Shazamily Matters #1 Preview: We Are Shazamily
DetailsShazam! Fury of the Gods Special: Shazamily Matters #1 Preview: We Are Shazamily
DetailsThe most-anticipated new comic book series of the year arrives June 2023 @RobertKirkman @LoreDeFelici @_matlopes_ @Skybound
DetailsThe beloved fantasy epic comes to life in this comic collection! @robinhobb @Jody_Houser @funrama @DarkHorseComics
DetailsJoker skinned! Riddler gutted! Pregnancy! Consumption! In Reptilian, Batman tracks a vicious monster and Killer Croc is intersex as @LiamRSharp & Garth Ennis layer politics, satire, glowing red eyes, viscous blood, and the betrayal & weirdness of our own bodies and childhoods!
DetailsCan Tim keep things afloat, while simultaneously dealing with his relationship with Bernard? in Tim Drake: Robin #6 arrives in stores and digital platforms Tuesday, February 28, 2023, from @megfitz89 @rileyrossmo1 @RLopezOrtiz
DetailsROGUE & GAMBIT #1 & X-FORCE #38 (Legacy #278) land on shelves and digital platforms on Wednesday, March 1, 2023, from @steph_smash @_CarlosArtist_ @Benjamin_Percy #ChristopherAllen #Guru-eFX #MarvelComics #XMen
DetailsBig Ethel Energy returns for Season 2 from @siobhanchiffon and #KerylBrownAhmed @webtoonofficial & @ArchieComics
DetailsIt’s Steel versus Metallo as the new era continues in ACTION COMICS #1052 on shelves and digital platforms on Tuesday, February 28, 2023, from @PhillipKJohnson @thedanjurgens @MattHerms #DCComics #Superman
DetailsM.O.D.O.C has the team in his clutches in Captain America: Sentinel of Liberty #10 on shelves and digital platforms on Wednesday, March 1, 2023, from @JacksonLanzing @cpkelly @CarmenCarnero @nwoodard & #MarvelComics
DetailsBatman makes a huge discovery about the ancient demons in DETECTIVE COMICS #1069 on shelves and digital platforms on Tuesday, February 28, 2023, from @therightram @sispurrier #IvanReis #Batman #DCComics
DetailsIt’s An escape From Childminder’s stronghold in STARGIRL: THE LOST CHILDREN #4 on shelves and digital platforms on Tuesday, February 28, 2023, from @geoffjohns @toddnauck & @DCComic
DetailsTeam RWBY collides with the heroes of the DCU in DC/RWBY #1, in stores and on digital platforms on Tuesday, February 28, 2023, from @EvilMarguerite @MeghanHetrick @marissadraws #MorganMartinez @Mirkand & @DCComics