Soroush Barazesh, also known as Koteri Ink, brings his debut graphic novel series to Dark Horse! @koteriink @DarkHorseComics
DetailsSoroush Barazesh, also known as Koteri Ink, brings his debut graphic novel series to Dark Horse! @koteriink @DarkHorseComics
DetailsThe Avengers Suit up as Monster Hunters in Brand-New MECH STRIKE Comic! @Christosgage @Marvel #Avengers
DetailsNEWS WATCH! Discover the Eisner-nominated series before the Netflix film from acclaimed director David Fincher in March 2022! #LucJacamon #Matz @davidfincher @boomstudios @netflix
DetailsANIME WATCH! #Funimation is unifying with #Crunchyroll to present the world’s largest anime library. Now you can view all your favorite anime shows in one place! @Funimation @Crunchyroll #AnimeNextLevel
DetailsNEWS WATCH! Memoirs and artworks from legendary creator DAVE GIBBONS collected in a breathtaking new hardcover! @davegibbons90 @DarkHorseComics
DetailsBe there when Patsy Walker’s hellish past catches up with her in IRON MAN/HELLCAT ANNUAL #1 on June 1, 2022, from @ifyoucantwell @ruairicoleman @LoganX37 @Artgerm @peachmomoko60 @Chrissie_Zullo & #MARVEL
DetailsEXCLUSIVE SNEAK PEEK: Victor Creed’s return from exile continues in SABRETOOTH #2 exploding onto shelves and digital platforms, February 9, 2022, from @victorlavalle, #leonardkirk & #Marvel Comics
DetailsWitness Thor in all his thunderous glory when THOR: LIGHTNING AND LAMENT #1 hits stands on June 29, 2022, from #RalphMacchio @ToddNauck @Marvel Comics.
DetailsAlex Maleev Depicts Titan in all His Terrifying Glory in New HULK #6 Cover! @alexmaleev @Doncates @RyanOttley @Marvel #Hulk #Marvel
DetailsHulking & Wiccan #1 the #InfinityComics from @MarvelUnlimited app releases in a collected single giant-sized issue June 15, 2022, from @losthiskeysman @Astrolimes #MattMilla and new covers by
DetailsIMAGE/SKYBOUND REVEAL LEGO(R) NINJAGO(R): GARMADON #1 VARIANT COVERS @tri_vuong @juni_ba @strongstuffton @Skybound @LEGO_Group
DetailsKodansha announced new #manga digital debuts for March 2022. If you’re looking for new manga to read, it is your time. Read our #anime #news for more information!