Examining New X-Men Pt 5: Working Alongside
Examining New X-Men continues exploring Grant Morrison’s run with a look at cooperation and empathy. #XMenMonday
DetailsExamining New X-Men continues exploring Grant Morrison’s run with a look at cooperation and empathy. #XMenMonday
DetailsThe new ruler of the Kingdom of Faerie stands revealed-and it’s…Nuala? Here’s our preview of DC Comics’ The Dreaming: Waking Hours #10 @GWillowWilson @ArtofNickRobles @_matlopes_ @SotoColor @SimonBowland @S_Marguerite #DCBlackLabel
DetailsThe Hierophant of the Eighth City rises!!! The dragons have fallen. What remains? Heaven itself is under siege in this preview of IRON FIST HEART OF DRAGON #5 out May 5, @TanComics @DaveWachter
DetailsSNEAK PEEK! #DCComics’ GREEN LANTERN #2, on sale 5/4/21! A Guardian lies dead, and suspects abound! Fortunately, fresh off her debut in Far Sector – JO MULLEIN is on the case! PLUS: What’s up with Teen Lantern, anyway? It’s all by @Thorne_Identity @dextersoy @MSantucciArt & more! #DCInfiniteFrontier
DetailsJustice Academy drop-out and professional fixer Mathias Lincoln make a horrific discovery-children are disappearing!! @IDWPublishing @BrandonEaston @kei_zama
DetailsDoc Croc has defeated Union Jack and the team! But can this truly be the end of the line for our new heroes in this preview of THE UNION #5 out May 5, @mistergrist @Andrea_Di_Vito
DetailsThe King’s Ransom event continues as The Amazing Spider-Man #65, swings onto shelves and digital platforms, Wednesday, May 5, 2021, from Nick Spencer (@NickSpencer), Federico Vicentini ( @FedeVice_Art) & #Marvel Comics.
DetailsSNEAK PEEK! #DCCcomics’ Crime Syndicate #3 – on sale 5/4/21! Earth-3’s Crime Syndicate unites for the first time against the extraterrestrial menace of STARRO! PLUS: Alexander Luthor debuts! It’s all from @39aAndy #KieronMcKeown & @THEBRYANHITCH #DCInfiniteFrontier
DetailsIn this preview of #Marvel’s Strange Academy #10, @skottieyoung and @humberto_ramos take the Strange Academy kids on a field trip passed the rainbow bridge to Asgard!
DetailsWHERE’D YOU GO, AMERICA? @kalindavasquez and @nemafronspain keep #AmericaChavez on her toes with in this preview of #Marvel’s America Chavez Made in the USA #3!
DetailsTensions in the GCPD run high as Mayor Nakano’s anti-mask policies are dividing the force…and a brutal round one between Jace Fox and Eabha O’Roark doesn’t go the way anyone expects in this preview The Next Batman: Second Son #10 out May 4, @travelforeman
DetailsTask Force X clashes with the #TeenTitans Academy in this preview of #SuicideSquad #3 exploding onto shelves & digital platforms on Tuesday, May 4, 2021, from writer Robbie Thompson (@rthompson1138), artist Eduardo Pansica (@edupansica)