NEWS WATCH: Winston Duke to Voice Batman in Spotify’s BATMAN UNBURIED Podcast
Batman Unburied, the upcoming podcast from @Spotify and @DCComics, will feature @Winston_Duke as Bruce Wayne and Jason Isaacs @jasonsfolly as Alfred
DetailsBatman Unburied, the upcoming podcast from @Spotify and @DCComics, will feature @Winston_Duke as Bruce Wayne and Jason Isaacs @jasonsfolly as Alfred
Details“FRIENDS AND ENEMIES” Luke Skywalker embarks upon an epic mission with Wedge Antilles and the brave pilots of STARLIGHT SQUADRON to rescue a lost division of the Rebel Fleet in this preview of #Marvel’s #Star Wars #15!
@CharlesSoule @RamonRosanas
In this preview of Star Trek: Year Five #23 ( @JacksonLanzing @cpkelly #StephenThompson ) It’s the biggest battle the Enterprise and her crew have ever faced continues in part two of the amazing three-part finale of Star Trek: Year Five
DetailsGuest writer Priya Saxena walks us through ‘I Am Not Starfire’ ( Mariko Tamaki, Yoshi Yoshitani, Aditya Bidikar ) and how the story of Mandy, child of an immigrant, shows you can be true to yourself while honoring and respecting the people you came from.
DetailsIn this preview of The Jeykll Island Chronicles A Last Call (@PrentisRollins #SteveNedvidek), cities burn, electricity crackles, and the world hangs in the balance as the award-winning alternate-history OGN trilogy comes to a stunning conclusion!
DetailsKeeve Trennis has put everything on the line to save her former master, but the scars run deep in this preview of #Marvel’s #StarWars The High Republic #7! @CavanScott @KabaLounge
DetailsGet a look inside of Power Rangers #10 from @BoomStudios @TheRyanParrott #rachelwagner @moiseshidalgoo #PowerRangers
DetailsDOCTOR DOOM’s actions will change the life of one of the members of Marvel’s First Family in a profound way in this preview of FANTASTIC FOUR #34 out July 28, @DanSlott @RB_Silva @MarkBrooksArt
DetailsAfter experiencing the mysterious effects of Thaddeus Brown’s ashes, Shilo digs into the origin of the Core in this preview of DC Comics’ Mister Miracle: The Source of Freedom #3 @BrandonEaston @FicoOssio #RicoRenzi #RobLeigh #DCComics #DCInfiniteFrontier
DetailsBeginning this October @scottsnyder and @BestJackett brings eight new creator-owned comic titles to @comiXology Originals and @darkhorsecomics
DetailsGotta catch’em all! @Netflix is teaming up with @henderson_joe to develop a live action #Pokémon show for the streaming service!
DetailsFelicia Hardy, a.k.a. the Black Cat, is hired to steal the Infinity Stones. Has anyone told her that these stones are now PEOPLE? Here is our preview of #Marvel’s Black Cat #8! @jedmackay @cfvillaart @PepeLarraz