NEWS WATCH: Marvel’s Living Vampire Rises Again Before His Big-Screen Debut
Morbius: Bond of Blood #1, makes his comic book return in February prior to his big-screen debut in 2021.
DetailsMorbius: Bond of Blood #1, makes his comic book return in February prior to his big-screen debut in 2021.
DetailsPeter Stormare, who starred in the movie alongside Keanu Reeves as who played Lucifer in the 2005 film CONSTANTINE, hints at a sequel in the future.
DetailsDC Announces New Digital First Series, Truth & Justice by Geoffrey Thorne, ChrisCross and Jordi Tarragona @DCComics @thedcnation First issue to feature The Vixen!
DetailsHollow Heart #1, from VAULT COMICS, tells the story about the love is found between a mechanic and a jumble of human organs that used to be a man, but now resides in a bio-suit, proving that real love doesn’t discriminate in February of 2021.
DetailsMarvel celebrates the glorious legacy of CONAN THE BARBARIAN with a trailer revealing never seen before art for KING-SIZE CONAN #1 #Marvel #Conan from @KurtBusiek @kevineastman86 @thatpetewoods #ChrisClaremont #RoyThomas and more
DetailsJack Kirby & Stan Lee did not design the Fantastic Four to be a nuclear family. They are a found family, adoptive, and better for it.
DetailsBritish musician and artist Graham Coxon (Blur) teams up writers Alex Paknadel (GIGA, Friendo, Turncoat) Helen Mullane (Nicnevin and the Bloody Queen), and 15 graphic artists to bring us Superstate, an all-new high concept vision of the future @Z2comics
DetailsU.S.Agent, the Super-Soldier you love to hate is back in an all-new series by writer Christopher Priest and artist George Jeanty!
DetailsSaving the earth means going to the most alien place on it in @ImageComics new 12 issue science fiction series Deep Beyond!
DetailsBreak out the yellows & blues, fire up the Danger Room & snap on your pouches as legendary X-writers return to classic eras of the mutants in all-new, in-continuity stories in their groundbreaking runs for #XMen LEGENDS #1! @FabianNicieza @Demonpuppy
DetailsImage Comics partner and CFO Erik Larsen is celebrating the Biden/Harris win by sending the hit issue Savage Dragon #253 back to print!