NEWS WATCH: Stranger Things: SIX Official Trailer
Dark Horse Comics release official trailer for Stranger Things: SIX.
DetailsDark Horse Comics release official trailer for Stranger Things: SIX.
DetailsJeremy Whitley, Gurihiru, Elsa Charretier, and Megan Wilson’s The Unstoppable Wasp is a moving, caring, fun, sad, adventurous comic about superheroes, mental health, family, friendship, love, tacos stress, wrestling, trauma, and girls doing awesome science.
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DetailsAHOY’S Second Coming slated for July 10.
DetailsOldguy! The Mirror of Love! Nancy! Late Bloomer! Street Poet Ray! The merger of poetry and comics, with examples from the work of Tim Mayer, William Trowbridge, Alan Moore, Maré Odomo, José Villarrubia, Junko Hosizawa, and Michael Redmond.
DetailsNetflix releases The Dark Crystal: Age Of Resistance on August 30.
DetailsHere is the first look at ONCE & FUTURE #1 from New York Times bestselling author Kieron Gillan in his first original series from BOOM! Studios Debuting in August 2019 featuring the art of Dan Mora!