FIRST WATCH: Black Mask Studio’s America’s Sweetheart

Black Mask Studio’s America’s Sweetheart, a story set in the BLACK universe, created by Kwanza Osajyefo & Tim Smith 3 expands upon their earlier title BLACK with America’s Sweetheart, expanding it into a universe of heroes!  Black Mask Studio’s again at the forefront, releasing a story that is socially relevant but releases appropriately as we head into February, Black History Month.


FIRST WATCH: Marvel / Netflix Series Daredevil Welcomes The Woman With No Fear – Joanne Whalley – For Season 3

Season three of Marvel’s / Netflix’s Daredevil keeps on getting stronger as word of the return of The Kingpin, William Fisk played by the ever so talented Vincent D’Onofrio, spreads across Hellskitchen, a second wild card is dealt, this time in Matt Murdock’s favor. Joanne Whalley joins Season three of Daredevil, no official release date announced yet, but this news is big enough, so big you would have to be blind to miss it!


FIRST WATCH: Image Comics Launches #WeBelieve Campaign – Celebrating Artists With Exclusive Virgin Wraparound Covers.

Image Comics is proud to reveal the first 7 of 14 exclusive virgin wraparound covers. The #Webelieve campaign celebrates artists and their importance, influence, and tremendous contribution they have when putting together the perfect comic. We Believe in Artists will be the first of many great things Image Comics has planned for the innovative #WeBelieve 2018 campaign. This imaginative and glorious campaign will help highlight the importance artist have in the creation of comics. This aspect of the creative process can be easily overlooked in the ever so growing comic industry.
