Spider-Man gets a Mysterio in Spider-Man: Far From Home
Big casting news for Spider-Man as Jake Gyllenhaal confirms role.
DetailsBig casting news for Spider-Man as Jake Gyllenhaal confirms role.
DetailsAspen’s new series DISSENSION: WAR ETERNAL #4 hits shelves December 4th! Will Delphi visions of the end of the world come to pass?!
DetailsMarvel has announced that their first Asian-led superhero film will be none other than Shang-Chi!
DetailsThe Love is Love anthology continues to help make a meaningful contribution by raising and donating proceeds from sales to projects that benefit the LGBTQ community
DetailsElysee is back with an all-new Is’nana one-shot titled ““The Ballads of Rawhead & John Henry”!
DetailsDC and Warner Bros. have recently announced they are developing a Latino-led Blue Beetle film! Here’s what we know so far…
DetailsIDW’s “Rocketeer Reborn” mini gets cancelled before release.
DetailsThe “Herald of Doom” arrives with FANTASTIC FOUR #6, on sale January 16!
DetailsMarvel Studios’ Captain Marvel Trailer 2 IS UP!
DetailsSources are reporting a Zatanna movie could be in the works, it could be… magical.
DetailsWest Coast Avengers’ debut villain, BRODOK, is a former rapist telepathic supervillain with a swelled head, but so is one of their teammates?
DetailsAre You #TeamSlayer or #TeamVamp, for BUFFY THE VAMPIRE SLAYER #1?