DC Daily News
DC Daily News: Major Casting news from Lois Lane to Stargirl, Joker revealed in makeup and much more.
DetailsDC Daily News: Major Casting news from Lois Lane to Stargirl, Joker revealed in makeup and much more.
Details“The Magicians: Alice’s Story” Original Graphic Novel debuts in stores July 2019
DetailsRob Liefield, superstar/notorious creator of Cable and Deadpool, is set to do a huge X-Men crossover in 2019.
DetailsVision writer Chelsea Cain has released a statement regarding her cancelled series.
DetailsWith over 100,000 copies still in rotation, is to too late for DC to pull out now?
DetailsWriter Charles Soule says the Death of Daredevil will leave Matt Murdock and in doing so leaving him with the biggest battles yet to come.
DetailsIts 991 B.C. and Elsbeth Dagsdóttir joins her father on an epic quest for revenge, caused by the slaughter of her people, in Brian Wood & Mack Chater’s visually stunning, emotionally poignant story of abandonment, guilt, determination and redemption.
DetailsAfter a long tenure with Dark Horse Comics, the Buffy the Vampire Slayer comics license finds a new home at BOOM! Studios.
DetailsDC Daily news from DC Universe, Border Town, DC Black label launch, and a superhero in his birthday suit.
DetailsABC taps Allan Heinberg, the screen writer for Wonder Woman, to head up a female driven MCU project on ABC.
DetailsDisney CEO Bob Iger tells The Hollywood Reporter “it only makes sense” to combine the Fox Universe and the MCU.
DetailsIt’s that time of year again and Valiant Comic Solicitations has a book for every day in December.