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Pinnacle Targets Palmera City in Blue Beetle #10

DC Comics’ Blue Beetle has had his big screen feature film debut, and now a new “Dawn of DC” Blue Beetle ongoing comic book series launches out of the final issue of writer Josh Trujillo and artists Adrian Gutiérrez, Wil Quintana and Lucas Gattoni’s Blue Beetle: Graduation Day six-issue mini-series.

Comic Watch Review: Blue Beetle #9: Victoria Undefeated

Edwin Galmon Card Stock Variant Cover:


Blue Beetle #10


Victoria Kord’s new creation, Pinnacle, is proving to be more and more dangerous the longer it stays online.

Can Jaime and Khaji Da patch up their connection in time, or will Pinnacle turn Palmera City into a totalitarian wasteland?!

Creative Team

Pinnacle target Palmera City in Blue Beetle #10 on shelves and digital platforms on Tuesday, June 11, 2024, from DC Comics

Pinnacle Targets Palmera City in Blue Beetle #10
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