Scout Comics announces a new horror anthology, Tales from the Grave, set to release this October. The miniseries features a collection of 13 stories in total from writer and illustrator Marco Fontanili, and promises a throwback to classic horror tales from the canon of EC Comics and Creepshow (which will soon launch a new season of its own comic series). Each story is also totally silent, delivering a strong, art driven experience melding black comedy and spine-tingling chills.
Fontanili discussed working on the series in the press release, stating:
“Working with Scout is a huge honor for me. It’s thanks to them that I have started to have a “name” in the American comic book industry, and I can call this a real job. Having a publisher like Scout is the best thing for me because—working alone as I do (and as I want)—they leave me total freedom and control of my IPs. That said, if I have any needs, I can count on my editor, the graphic design crew, and all the other members of the team. What more can you ask for?”
Alongside the first covers for the miniseries, Scout has also shared a first look at Fontanili’s interior work, both of which can be seen below: