This is it, the end of the first season of NAOMI by the breakout collaboration of writers Brian Michael Bendis and David F. Walker and artist Jamal Campbell! With her origins finally revealed, Naomi embraces the journey ahead and charts a course for the future and her role.
Art by:Jamal Campbell
Written by:David F. Walker, Brian Michael Bendis
Trim Size:
6 5/8 x 10 3/16
Sneak Peek: DC’s Naomi #6 Conclusion
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Author: Derbs
An aspiring, aspiring writer, I never took off my Batman underoos (hopefully figuratively) and I believed Spider-Man was real for years after I figured out Santa wasn't (spoiler). My young, impressionable, literate-self is forever in debt to my 4th grade English teacher Mrs. Gilchrist (and adjacently, The Island of Blue Dolphins), my uncle Tomas for reading me The Hobbit in all those voices, April Morning by Howard Fast, King's 'Salem's Lot, Miller's Batman The Dark Knight Returns and The Belgariad & Mallorean by the Eddingses. Thanks for reading! Please connect with me on Twitter @BKDerbidge and BKDerbidge on Facebook