Batman and Robin are finally reunited! Together they will hunt for the truth behind the death of Ra’s al Ghul! But then who is left to defend the Secret Society against the League of Shadows? Deathstroke’s fight against the Demon’s Shadow ends with a shocking cliffhanger! Plus, what happens when you get Deathstroke infected with Joker toxin? Find out in the epic backup story!
You can check out Comic Watch’s most recent Batman review here!
Who framed Deathstroke? Who wanted Ra’s dead? The mystery of “Shadow War” deepens in Batman #123, on sale Tuesday, May 3, 2022!
Writer: Joshua Williamson
Artists: Howard Porter (main story) and Trevor Hairsine (back-up)
Colorists: Tomeu Morey (main story) and Rain Beredo (back-up)
Letterers: Clayton Cowles (main story) and Willie Schubert (back-up)
Price: $4.99