Whisked away from Earth by a distant cosmic entity, Wonder Woman is forced to navigate a series of perilous challenges that push her to the brink both mentally and physically. At stake is the fate of all humanity, with the alien entities casting Diana as Earth’s proxy for a trial judging humankind’s worthiness to exist in the universe. Can Diana stand trial to save humanity without losing her own? Stephanie Phillips teams with acclaimed artist Mike Hawthorne for his first major DC project, an epic Wonder Woman tale unlike any other!
Writer: Stephanie Phillips
Penciller: Mike Hawthorne
Inker: Adriano Di Benedetto
Colorist: Jordie Belaire
Letterer: Tom Napolitano
Price: $3.99
Find this issue, and your other favorite DC Comics titles at your local comic shops and favorite digital platforms this Tuesday November 16th, 2021!