Spider-Man latest saga reaches new heights as The Sinister War between Doctor Octopus and the Vulture is about to turn Spider-Man’s life upside down! Now as two of the deadliest teams of villains ever to exist go to all-out war with both Spidey and each other, what is Kindred’s role in the chaos — and what is his horrific endgame … find out as the story continues in this week’s THE AMAZING SPIDER-MAN #72
Sinister War – Part 2
Over in Sinister Struggle, Spider-Man is dealing with two Sinister Sixes. However, then, what’s he doing HERE? Simply wish to say, making an attempt to not spoil—you don’t fairly perceive how intense and not possible this case is for Peter Parker.
Creative Team
- Writers: Nick Spencer
- Artist: Federico Vicentini, Carlos Gomez, & Federico Sabbatini
- Colorist: Alex Sinclair
- Inker: Wayne Faucher
- Letterer: VC’s Joe Caramagna
- Designer: Anthony Gambino
- Editor(s): Nick Lowe
- Standard Cover Artist(s): Mark Bagley, Brian Reber, & John Dell
- Variant Cover Artist(s):Morry Hollowell, Carlos Gomez, In-Hyuk Lee, Israel Silva, David Baldeón, & Kael Ngu
- Format: Ongoing Series
- Page Count/Cover Price: 28-pages/$3.99
THE AMAZING SPIDER-MAN #72 swings onto shelves and digital platforms on Wednesday, August 25, 2021, from Marvel Comics.