It’s Shang Chi vs. the Marvel Universe pt. 5! MEET THE NEW IRON MAN…SHANG-CHI?! A weapons dealer offers up a stolen Iron Man suit to Shang-Chi’s organization. But will Shang-Chi take it to use in his war against crime? And what will Tony Stark have to say about it?!
Writer: Gene Luen Yang
Artist: Dike Ruan
Colorist: Triona Farrell
Letterer: Travis Lanham
Price: $3.99
Find this issue at your local comic shops and favorite digital platforms on Wednesday, October 13, 2021!
SNEAK PEEK: Preview of Marvel’s SHANG-CHI #5 (On Sale 10/13!)
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Author: B. Radtz
Lifelong comic fan, I grew up all over Michigan, but currently live in the metro Detroit area. I’m an intersectional feminist, who has always championed for equality. Aspiring comic writer, and currently reviewing Wonder Woman, Wonder Girl, Catwoman, Robin, Captain Marvel, Spider-Woman, Black Cat, Black Widow, Avengers, Eternals, Amazing Spider-Man, Non-Stop Spider-Man, and Shang-Chi for Comic-Watch.