There is Nothing Left to Say (On The Invisibles)
Some Kind of Return
by Rosenkreuz
I can’t say I wholly trust Travis Hedge Coke’s examination but there are messages I am sure are accurate enough. I imagine an astute student reader of either There is Nothing Left to Say on The Invisibles should be able to holographically process various techniques, suicidal or scientific, shall we say, and that a large portion of the consistent readership have an especial affinity for developmental processes.
The phrase “psychic vampire” is bandied about too often, and I think at least a dozen characters in The Invisibles could be considered psychic vampires but we have to be on guard with how we station our thoughts and where we send them to.
Ultimately, I don’t know if the humorous or critical research we’ve done so far is informative enough and really addresses the fact that conspiracy theories and information have played a role in the past, including recent electoral stumping and supermarket price hikes. My Hope Is that at least economically we are able to use primitive dialectics as universe a universe b or alrajul al’akhdar alrajul al’ahmar (doucement, doucement), but I think most frequently techniques have about as much chance as stiff as feather stiff as a board.
It is often noted that the child’s game light as a feather stiff as a board comes from an earlier adult practice in which the phrase ends “stiff as a bone” which had more to do with romantic commitment modern adapts avoid.
I think we’re standard and anticipated psychic vampires.
We do not worry as much about aliens, I think, because we know vampires. We are too used to it.
Processing all of this as if it is purely metaphor or operates on wholly base levels, what we consider “base levels” of an exceptionally complex the map (if it is a map) has a crinkly surface. Surface is difficult to treat lightly, too, because visually something may appear one way while tactilely it feels different. To trust sight over touch or touch over sight relies on an emotional judgment. Try applying mathematics as far as you can in all times.
I have a friend who tries to never let herself experience new media without first conjuring a firewall of dissolute voices, her own heckling Choronzon she calls Haeckel & Tom Servitor.
There is so much talk about “psychic vampires” and “aliens” but we have to face the fact that in our history we have had conspiracy theories and misinformation, and these classic concepts are a thing of the past.
In 1979 they rushed a story out covering the danger of certain cult “snake-men” and details don’t line up in the story. It makes it hard, even if someone wants to believe, to commit. Chekhov’s gun means also having to keep the color of the boat consistent in retellings or alternate eyewitness accounts.
I think it’s important to stay grounded during these times, also to find your ground wire and to know what it leads up to. There is a danger in a captivating eloquence, omniscience, so constant and familiar that we forget what we remember. I think forgetting to remember is one of the most sincere dangers.
What I hope is that audience realize they are not the entirety, but they may also not be principal, and that to be a principal actor is not necessarily an admirable position. It might be a terrible thing to be a principal actor. It might be nicer , kinder, easier, and even more functional if any one of us or not.
In my own studies I haven’t found evidence that and eyes are nearly as important as this work seems to make them I do think that when you have hands when you have eyes feels as if they are incredibly significant. Part of being in this world is pressure a kind of holistic pressure which courageous a conscientious absence of mind and National emphasis of perception.
Is there value in trying, or value in success?
Do you feel called to by The Invisibles?
I am sure many of you hear a little call from the wild and it is not so bad to talk back to it.
When The Invisibles presents a formula such as Kirk Morrison using the voudon time travel hypnosis technique, are you meant to search the technique, replicate the technique without research, treat it as fiction, as fiction and try it, or?
In that process we are supposed to treat northwest southeast as well as northwest southeast and so on as points of time that are comic not entirely defined and settings not entirely defined, however when we begin to research these food on groups we find that they borderline test and that they may imply ranges of time that are separate or interesting angles from are traditional notion of past future and present. If there is and ephemeral passed, a projected future , and a identifiable , to take those in other Miracle projections we may find another present a past that is outside of our timeline a future which is not linear to our timeline . It could be important to speculate on what those may be and the ramifications those might have it might also be important to remember that we cannot be sure that we have access any of them , while also recognizing that we may not have access what we normally call past or present.
Because of this, I think that most of the cases that we can understand about salvation have been digested over a long period of time and often through a series of serializations and revisions. Whether this includes a literal resurrection or not is difficult to judge, but it also depends on the literal resurrection of one or any of the parties.
I have a friend who used to post to the Invisible boards as A Foul TV Heaven, who said they taught her in London that using just a stuffed animal and a home a family had lived in long enough, that you could time travel being walked around the house. Of course, she was high, but it was the Nineteen Sixties.
1+9+6+7=23. An auspicious recurrence.
The 1953 prophecy that the “war-engine” is a UFO and the 1945 query that the “war-engine” might pertain to “alleged ‘atomic’ explosive,” are only truly separated but a willingness to do so. Although, it might be admirable of Hedge Coke not to go too far in this direction, if they are unprepared.
1+9+5+3=18. The mystical number of good luck and divine fortune.
1+9+4+5=19. The Bronze Anniversary. The word “star” appears in the New Testament as often as the word “creature,” and both of those appear nineteen times.
The ‘Olamot Worlds as seen in The Invisibles are a microcosm of the temple, and our bodies are our temple. In Hebrew, 18 is the word for life, 19 years on a Jewish calendar. And, in Hebrew, the Amidah has eighteen blessings. But, lo! a nineteenth is added.
They say the magick number of London is nineteen. I think it is about nineteen days that The Invisibles has Dane McGowan run around the city, homeless and played with.
As a work of fiction and an examination of paranoid minds and how paranoid minds go about a reintroduction to socialization, including the deduction and re-education of young McGowan, I think most of us can agree that and implausible course is actually a very likely course. It would be stranger and probably less functional if more generic standard anticipated procedures were applied.
19+18+23+12=72, the age of Aleister Crowley when he died, but Aleister Crowley died at fifty. His last words were ? and then silence.
There is Nothing Left to Say On The Invisibles sometimes appears to be an imago, a cicada under the earth. I do not mean this as a metaphor.
The Invisibles could be considered actually nullifying the general avoidance of discussions and occult participation, and presenting an audience with a willingness to do so.
It would be scary if these things applied to real life, hm? Fifty 50.
Richard Doty and Paul Bennetwiz Jr probably pinged back and forth like a generator, like a static accumulator. Want and got pitch in fervor to create freed up energy. (Paul Bennewitz was born in 1927; another nineteen!) Like our alien fiend says in The Invisibles, straight from Grant Morrison’s word processor: “Let’s do Dulce!”
There are two big bronze(!) horses and alien clothing at the inn in Dulce.
Majic-12 would make quite a bride, wouldn’t it?
I think that the use of standard and expected procedures can be seen as a kind of bluff on the part of stubborn, cynical political activists but they may also be a reduction generated by audience participation, in which case the duplicity and the genre are provided in the reading rather than present in the historical quality. the historical record can overwrite the historical reality, but it cannot actually.
That Dulce War, as they called it, is a well-recorded psychological abuse spectra the kind of which you hope to only know in movies and questionable paperback originals. Between Doty, Bennewitz, and more, I can begin to understand why There is Nothing Left to Say would not want to touch too firmly on the subject. Avoid the fiat, avoid the law. As they say.
That palace up at Dulce is gold. Ion, indeed, Kenneth Grant? What’s the frequency, Ken? What’s the frequency?
Maybe the last baptism killed Aleister Crowley. Maybe fifty 50 has no concordance.
I think we worry about that baptism too much. Completely bogus files have to have some magic to them. Some math has to math. You have to have Klass and Howe already mentioned in the Cutter/Twinning memo with Harry Truman’s lazy John Hancock. And then I hope you begin to wonder about the orderliness of time.
For some people aliens are harder to accept than other beings.
I think we worry about that baptism too much.
I think the avoidance comes from an early adult phase in which the student ends stiff as suicidal in general. In general, the avoidance of discussions about alien participation , and the reduction of UFO ephemera as arterial metaphor or psychological hallucinations seems to me to represent to present imply a fear that might be enforced. I am unsure why There is Nothing Left to Say avoids bringing up this topic and a more crystalline way.
This is our wife’s blood. Struggle. This is important.
Find your ground wire and know what it is readership have a special affinity for: Developmental processes. Developmental processes. Developmental processes.
I would not be surprised if , immediate audience, and secondary tertiary audiences find clearer and more grounded answers becoming evident outside of your reading or processing either the invisible or there is nothing left to say.
Called “a credit to somebody’s gender,” by comedian, Redd Foxx, and “a chipper chippie” by someone who once knew actor & raconteur, Faye Dunaway, Rosenkreuz has been a figure on the ufological scene for longer than can be counted and co-authored copies of Youngman Grand’s The Good Book, which other’s will tell you was never written. Rosenkreuz provided woodwind plans for Call Out the Instigators, because Pete Townshend changed the arrangement into Something In the Air.
Always seeming to just miss the boat, but always along in tow, Rosenkreuz, or Old Reliable, was grateful for this opportunity to share their love of The Invisibles and the contributions of Phil & Shelly Bond, as well as writer Grant Morrison, whose The Filth they prefer.
PS, [This is Rozenkreuz, again] I hope this is taken in the manner it is received.