Marvel announced yesterday the next installment in the ongoing saga of symbiote themed events in the form of Venom War. Launching this August, the series sees writer Al Ewing and artist Iban Coello pit father and son against one another after Eddie and Dylan Brock have seen cataclysmic visions of the future. The natural conclusion both have reached is there can only be one Venom left standing. The conflict will spill out into the wider Marvel universe and rope in the other symbiotes.
In the press release, Ewing discussed weaving his event from the start of his run, stating:
“This is what we’ve been building to since the start of this wild and way-out symbiote odyssey – the fateful confrontation between father and son! Where better to have it than inside the squared circle? And who better to bring this all-action epic to the page with than my old buddy Iban Coello? I’m tellin’ ya, goo believer — this is vehemently varied Venom violence like never viewed, and only one host can wear the symbiote when the dust settles! Who’s it gonna be?”
Marvel plans to reveal more details about upcoming tie-ins and more details about the series. A cover for issue #1, also illustrated by Iban Coello, can be seen below.
Written by AL EWING
Art and Cover by IBAN COELLO
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