Jonathan Hickman’s reinvention of the Marvel Universe Cosmology begins this week in as the conflict features avatars of diametrically opposed forces, Wyn of The-Powers-That-Be and Aiko of The-Natural-Order-Of-Things, coming out of the shadows and interacting with the larger Marvel Universe.
In G.O.D.S. #1, Hickman starts his worldbuilding from page one as a Babylon Event (an instance where the cosmic balance is upended) occurs, and will require science and magic working together to battle an eldritch horror.
Ejikure Variant Cover:
Peach Momoko Variant Cover:
Skottie Young Variant Cover:
Mahmud Asrar & Matt Wilson 1:25 Incentive Variant Cover:
Ejikure 1:50 Incentive Virign Variant Cover:
Mateus Manhanini 1:100 Incentive Virign Variant Cover:
G.O.D.S. #1
The infinite détente between THE-NATURAL-ORDER-OF-THINGS and THE-POWERS-THAT-BE nears an end.
Old acquaintances are reunited during a Babylon Event.
The Lion of Wolves throws the worst parties.
Don’t look under the table. There’s a John Wilkes Booth penny on the ground. This ENORMOUS EXTRA-SIZED first issue features DOCTOR STRANGE, who, while not boring at all, is easily the most boring person in the book.
Creative Team
- Writer: Jonathan Hickman
- Artist: Valerio Schiti
- Colorists: Marte Gracia
- Letterer: Travis Lanham
- Cover Artist: Mateus Manhanini
- Variant Cover Artists: Mateus Manhanini; Ejikure; Mahmud Asrar & Matt Wilson; Skottie Young; Peach Momoko
- Format: Event
- Cover Price/Page Count: $9.99/64 pages
The gods aren’t in their heaven & all’s not right with the world in G.O.D.S. #1, on shelves and digital platforms Wednesday, October 4, 2023 from Marvel Comics.